Freq Asked Questions
A permit is needed to use any outdoor court from the first Saturday in April to the Sunday before Thanksgiving.
Full-season permits for adults ages 18 to 61 cost $100. Permits for seniors ages 62 and older cost $20. Permits cost $10 for kids and teens younger than 18 years old. Full-season permits purchased are good for use until the end of the season. The same fees and expiration date apply for anyone interested in purchasing a permit late in the season. Once purchased, tennis permits cannot be refunded or transferred.
You can purchase a permit online, via mail or in-store at Paragon Sports Union Sq.
For more info on how to purchase a permit online via the NYC Parks Department visithttps://www.nycgovparks.org/permits/tennis-permits
The signup sheet is a schedule, posted every morning, that lets permit holders reserve a court any time between the hours that the court/s are open.
Generally speaking no, unless you are paying to play, but if the courts aren’t busy then sometimes the parks dep. employee will allow play to continue on.
Some do, and some don’t. Some have lights and some don’t. Check out our court finder page here for all the answers.